Book Detail
The SIEGE of 2020
The Siege of 2020 is available in paperback, hard cover and Kindle.
Where is life in 21st century leading to?
Do you hear the four horsemen of the apocalypse galloping?
Christ said he would take back His kingdom…
”it is near – at the doors!” (Matt. 24:33)
Has the time come!?
Economic collapse, rapidly declining morals, racial and economic inequality, an apostate church, and a global vacuum for strong leadership are some of the headlines that mark the beginning of the twenty first century. By the end of the second decade, “unprecedented” and “uncertain” times would become the words on everybody’s lips.
With the recent pandemic, it seems those times are fast approaching… Faster than any living being could’ve seen coming – but ancient prophets did. Could it be that the prophecy is upon us – TODAY?
The Siege of 2020 features mind-blowing facts that’ll open your eyes to truths no one else dares to share! There are some repetitive historical patterns of the last 120 years, and after reading this powerful book you’ll start questioning if the current tragic events happening in the world are just a coincidence…
This debut work by Wesley Bryant places the coronavirus in a historical pattern – a repetitive pattern that is setting the stage for biblical end-times events. The world events that are happening and developing now and are unquestionably biblical prophecy playing out in full view.
The Siege of 2020 takes the reader on a tour of 6000 years of biblical history and evil being unleashed. As you travel back in time, you’ll find a historical perspective on where we are today in God’s plan.
To gain a better understanding of this rather complex subject, the author explores topics such as:
- The history of Christianity and the church and how it ended up where if it today.
- Four unbelievable historical and repetitive patterns of the past 120 years.
- How the patterns have unfolded just as the prophets predicted.
- The current global predicament through the lens of historical events.
- Economic consequences of closing and restricting businesses and travel in many countries due to the pandemic.
- An amended financial system and in many cases religious change or reformation…
…all as a direct indicator that the times we are now living in are undeniably prophetic.
Threads is available in paperback and Kindle.
Would you like to be confident in your understanding of bible passages?
What about reviewing your pastor’s sermons – have the Scripture verses been used in context, and has consideration been made for the setting and culture of the Hebrew writer?
How do you let Scripture interpret Scripture?
These are just a few of the questions people may ask, but few preachers or bible teachers actually teach on this subject. Why? There are thousands of Christian denominations, with many of them having differing views on what Scripture is actually teaching – and there are reasons for this. One is – they often ignore the threads that a verse or passage hangs on. This is what it means to let Scripture interpret Scripture.
THREADS will walk you through many biblical subjects and show you how to study this out to come to a reasonable, but perhaps a challenging outcome.
The Old Man
Coming soon…a four-part study.
The Apostle Paul describes the carnal man as being captive to a law – the law of sin.
(Romans 7:23)
The New Testament also describes the state of the carnal man as “the old man”. Captive to this carnal state and the law of sin needs a solution – and God has provided one.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
(Romans 8:2)
A person’s acceptance of this new law of the spirit through Christ is just the first step. There is still a battle within – the spirit is in conflict with the flesh.
Sam, the stick man takes you through these vital
steps of sanctification – a spiritual walk, through practical steps.
Within the study I draw on the wisdom and teaching of Paul the apostle, Watchman Nee and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.